ELF Diversity Statement and Action Plan

We want lacrosse to be a sport where everyone feels welcome and we want to make changes. We can use our platform to create a more welcoming lacrosse environment. We therefore present below our Inclusion Statement and Action Plan. We invite our community to contribute and to hold us accountable for our actions.
European Lacrosse Federation (ELF) will foster a lacrosse community that welcomes, appreciates and accepts all people within its membership, volunteer base and staff. Further, ELF believes that representation and inclusion enrich everyone’s participation in lacrosse and that this is enhanced by embracing underrepresented and underserved communities. We will actively enable more people to play lacrosse more often in a safe, inclusive and fair environment. This applies regardless of a person’s race; age; disability; gender; trans status; marital or civil partnership status; pregnancy or family, or caring status; sexual orientation; faith or religion; socio-economic status; nationality or immigration status; or any other background.
To improve equality, diversity and inclusion in Lacrosse, we will:

  1. Ensure that the principles of equality and diversity are owned and embedded throughout the Leadership of ELF: we will create a culture where inclusive leadership thrives;
  2. Improve our understanding of equality and diversity issues within our organisation by actively listening to our member National Governing Bodies (NGBs) and people involved with lacrosse throughout Europe, as well as non-governmental organisations working in the field of inclusion and diversity;
  3. Raise awareness of and embed the principles of equality and diversity by regularly reviewing our policies, procedures and practices to ensure inclusivity and do not discriminate;
  4. Understand and tackle barriers for under-represented groups in lacrosse and bring lacrosse to new groups;
  5. Encourage all our member NGBs to actively improve equality, diversity and inclusion.

We will do this by implementing the following Action Plan:

  1. We will show a diverse group of people engaged in all aspects of lacrosse on our social media channels starting immediately;
  2. We are proposing to create the role of Inclusion Coordinator into ELF. We are putting this proposal forward to vote at the 2 August AGM and, once approved, will look to appoint an individual by the end of August;
  3. We will develop a programme for clubs/groups in all countries to pitch their innovative ideas for inclusion work and encourage projects from smaller, un-funded NGBs;
  4. We encourage people from minorities, or those who may not see themselves currently reflected in our board to nominate themselves for one of the four roles being elected during this summer’s AGM;
  5. We are working with an LGBTQ-friendly lacrosse club to develop their mentorship programme;
  6. We will arrange for a diversity workshop for our board members and committee members this summer. We will open it to our NGBs as well. We will ensure that the workshop organisers are paid for their time and effort; and set accountability standards for NGBs to ensure the workshop lessons are learned, developed, and embedded;
  7. We will support any lacrosse player, coach, volunteer or organiser who chooses to kneel or otherwise peacefully protest during a national anthem;
  8. We will undertake a review of all ELF policies and documentation to ensure they are free from discrimination and are equitable to all. Our first review will be completed by the end of 2020. Proposals for revision will be presented at the AGM in 2021;
  9. We will work with World Lacrosse and other governing bodies to ensure all policies and practices reflect our values;
  10. Commit to setting a standard of inclusive practice and support our members to do likewise;
  11. Showcase best practice from across our member NGBs.

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